News & Testimonials

Go NAPSACC At a Glance 06/06/2023

As a team of researchers and public health professionals, we know that early childhood is our best chance to not only prevent many health problems, but also to tackle current health disparities. Habits are formed during these early years, including those around food, physical activity, and other health behaviors. In our aim to improve the health of young children, we recognize the importance of engaging the child care community at the state, consultant, and provider levels. Go NAPSACC provides free and easy-to-use online tools and resources like videos, activities, and flyers. Our resources are rooted in two decades of research and evolve to meet the latest research, guidelines, and needs of ECE programs.
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Go NAPSACC Launches Build the Skills with Be Active Kids® 04/13/2023

As Go NAPSACC grows, we are excited to announce our new Build the Skills physical activity training resources! Go NAPSACC has partnered with Be Active Kids, an award-winning physical activity resource for consultants working with ECE programs. Its evidence-based and evidence-informed messages are carried out through five cuddly and adventurous characters. The Build the Skills Training and Movement Guide help build the skills of child care providers in the area of Infant and Child Physical Activity.
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Go NAPSACC’s Nation Advisory Group (NAG) continues its work in 2023, with the goals of increasing access and equitable use of Go NAPSACC, keeping the team informed and grounded in the realities of implementation, bringing representative stakeholders to the table to help influence Go NAPSACC's future direction, and improving communication between states that use Go NAPSACC. NAG participants will continue to have more opportunities to present to the group and hold leadership roles. For access to the 2023 meeting minutes and materials, click Read More.
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Go NAPSACC in the Spectrum of Opportunities 09/29/2022

Using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Spectrum of Opportunities framework, Go NAPSACC has developed the “Go NAPSACC in the Spectrum of Opportunities”, a graphic demonstrating states efforts to implement the program in all nine spectrum opportunities.
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Better Together Learning Collaboratives Launch in Go NAPSACC Consultant Resources 09/08/2022

Better Together, an integrated initiative by Nemours Children’s Health System and UNC Children’s Healthy Weight Research Group, launches online learning collaboratives materials available in Go NAPSACC’s Consultant Resources. Starting in September 2022, learning collaboratives will be available for the Breastfeeding & Infant Feeding, Child Nutrition, Infant & Child Physical Activity, and Screen Time modules. These materials (PowerPoint slides, Resource Guides and Implementation Toolkit) are free to any Go NAPSACC contracted state. To learn more about the learning collaboratives, click Read More.
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