News & Testimonials

Digging Deeper – Supporting Breastfeeding in ECE 08/12/2024

Many families face barriers to breastfeeding that can cause them to stop breastfeeding early. These barriers affect communities differently, with Black families breastfeeding at lower rates. A lack of breastfeeding knowledge and support is a crucial barrier that affects families of young children. As an early childhood educator, you can offer breastfeeding support, resources, and information to help families along their breastfeeding journey. Click read more to learn ways you can empower families to continue to breastfeed!
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Digging Deeper - Beat the Heat with Safe Summer Outdoor Play & Learning 07/10/2024

While summer is a great time for outdoor play, it also brings high temperatures that can become harmful. Extreme heat can affect children's health and development, and low-income communities and people of color may experience greater exposure to extreme heat. Click read more to learn about disparities in heat exposure and how you can ensure safe outdoor play for the children in your ECE program.
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Digging Deeper - ECE Program Gardens 04/12/2024

Gardening helps teach children responsibility and promotes physical activity and outdoor experiences that support children’s health and development. However, not all children have access to outdoor spaces like gardens to learn and play. Click read more to learn about disparities in access to ECE program gardens and how ECE programs can help bridge these gaps.
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