Go NAPSACC is committed to protecting the personal information and privacy of all who visit this website. While the Go NAP SACC website does collect some information about its users, Go NAPSACC does not sell users’ personal information to advertisers or other parties or individuals.
We describe the information we do collect and why in the three sections below:
1. Contact and Demographic Information
Go NAPSACC only collects personally identifiable information about individuals when it is knowingly provided when (1) signing up for e-mail updates and (2) registering to use the Go NAPSACC program.
E-mail updates: Go NAPSACC’s email updates subscriber list is managed using MailChimp, which maintains the privacy of e-mail addresses as outlined in its privacy policy. We do not sell or share our email updates subscriber list with other individuals or organizations, and will not disclose this information unless required to do so by law.
Go NAPSACC registration: When registering for the Go NAPSACC program, individuals must provide some contact and demographic information about themselves and/or their child care programs. Secure encryption of the site helps to ensure that information provided during the registration process is not accessed by third parties. Go NAPSACC does not sell contact or other information collected during registration, but reserves the right to share contact and registration information with trained technical assistance professionals registered as "Go NAPSACC Consultants" and designated state agencies and other partners for the purpose of tracking participation in state or local Go NAPSACC initiatives, providing tailored technical assistance to registered Go NAPSACC users, assessing the impact of Go NAPSACC, and improving program tools and services.
2. Website Visit Information
Information about how visitors access and use the Go NAPSACC website is gathered using Google Analytics through the use of a Google Analytics tracking “cookie.” This “cookie” collects information about the date, time, and duration of each visit to the site, the website from which the visitor was referred, and the visitor’s IP address and location. Go NAPSACC does not store personally identifiable information about visitors from these cookies. Go NAPSACC looks at gathered information from all visitors as a whole to help us better understand how our site is used and how we can make it more useful to visitors.
Google may keep and use the information collected on the Go NAPSACC website through the Google Analytics service. Please refer to their privacy policy for more information.
You may use Go NAPSACC without letting “cookies” track your visit. Please refer to instructions provided by your chosen internet browser on how to do this.
3. Program Use Information
For users of the Go NAPSACC program, Go NAPSACC does store the information that users provide in the self-assessment and action planning online tools for registered Providers, and in the Consultant online tools available to registered technical assistance professionals referred to as "Go NAPSACC Consultants", including logging TA activity. The website also stores connection information between registered Provider and Go NAPSACC Consultant users. Additionally, dates and times that users access online tools are recorded. This information is never sold or shared for commercial purposes. Go NAPSACC staff members have access to this information, and may use it in reports, presentations, publications, etc. about the program. In public presentations and publications, individual users will never be personally identified by name or location, and other personally identifiable information will be removed to preserve anonymity. However, personally identifiable information may be shared with registered Go NAPSACC Consultants and relevant state agencies and other partners for the purpose of tracking participation in state or local Go NAPSACC initiatives, providing tailored technical assistance to registered Go NAPSACC users, assessing the impact of Go NAPSACC, and improving program tools and services.
We reserve the right to update and amend our Privacy Policy as needed. A current version of the Privacy Policy will be posted on this website. For more information or if you feel that this site is not following this stated policy, please contact us.