Go NAPSACC knows that early care and education (ECE) is an undervalued yet crucial field that is essential in supporting children and families. We are committed to aligning with the latest research and developments in the ECE field. That is why we are shifting our language to honor ECE programs and early childhood educators and show respect for educators' skills, experience, and impact on children and their futures!
Go NAPSACC is making these changes after considering shifts in the ECE field, internal team discussions, and conversations with the Go NAPSACC Nation Advisory Group (NAG). Learn more about our language shifts below.
ECE Programs and Early Childhood Educators
Go NAPSACC is now using the terms ECE programs and early childhood educators in place of child care programs and child care providers. The responsibilities of ECE programs and early childhood educators include:
ensuring children’s physical and emotional safety,
promoting healthy development,
building healthy habits,
encouraging learning, creativity, and curiosity,
partnering with families,
shaping children’s futures, and more.
By using these updated terms, we hope to better reflect the value and scope of the true work of ECE programs and educators.
Evidence-Based Practices
Go NAPSACC is now using the term evidence-based practices in place of best practices. Go NAPSACC’s evidence-based practices have been a key piece of our work since the creation of NAPSACC in 2002. Go NAPSACC’s evidence-based practices are rooted in:
latest research,
leading ECE organizations’ national standards,
module content experts,
and key partner input, including consultants and early childhood educators.
However, we acknowledge that these factors may not always reflect what is best for all communities and evidence may change as new research emerges. We are updating our language to better characterize the research behind our recommendations while providing space for emerging practices not yet researched and the practices that are tried and true in various communities.
Go NAPSACC will be using these updated terms in all materials moving forward. However, resources developed before this shift do not currently reflect these changes.
Thank you for your continued support as Go NAPSACC changes and grows!