News & Testimonials

Go NAPSACC Impact Stories 05/18/2022

The Go NAPSACC Team is always eager to hear how using Go NAPSACC has impacted a child care program, community, organization, or state. Read all the success stories that are shared by our providers across states.
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Go NAPSACC National Advisory Group - 2022 Minutes 04/19/2022

Go NAPSACC’s Nation Advisory Group (NAG) continues its work in 2022, with the goals of increasing access and equitable use of Go NAPSACC, keeping the team informed and grounded in the realities of implementation, bringing representative stakeholders to the table to help influence Go NAPSACC's future direction, and improving communication between states that use Go NAPSACC. Additionally, in 2022, NAG participants will have more opportunities to present to the group and hold leadership roles. For access to the 2022 meeting minutes and materials, click Read More.
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Adding Go NAPSACC to Child Care & Development Fund (CCDF) Plan 02/25/2022

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan serves as the Lead Agency's application for CCDF funds by providing a description of how the program will be administered in accordance with CCDF law and regulations to provide high-quality child care services to eligible families. The CCDF Plan also presents an opportunity for states and territories to demonstrate the activities and services they are providing to meet the needs of low-income children and families. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) makes Plans publicly available to many users including members of Congress, Congressional committees, state and local child care administrators, advocacy groups, researchers, and the general public. To learn more about how Go NAPSACC can fit into your 2022-2024 CCDF plan, click Read More.
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Go NAPSACC National Advisory Group - 2021 Minutes 12/01/2021

Go NAPSACC created a National Advisory Group in 2021, with the goals of increasing access and equitable use of Go NAPSACC, keeping the team informed and grounded in the reality of implementation, bringing representative stakeholders to the table to help influence Go NAPSACC’s future direction, and to increase communication between states utilizing Go NAPSACC. For access to the 2021 meeting minutes and materials, click Read More.
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