Digging Deeper - Suspension & Expulsion in ECE

While we often think of suspension and expulsion as a punishment for older children, preschool aged children are expelled at a rate three times higher than high schoolers. 

Suspension, expulsion, and even temporarily removing a child from the classroom, have negative effects on children. These effects include poor educational outcomes and increased risk for incarceration. Additionally, families may lose wages and experience stress as they need to stay home to care for their children. 

Black children, American Indian and Alaskan Native children, children with disabilities, and boys are disproportionately suspended and/or expelled in early care and education (ECE) settings. The school to prison pipeline starts in preschool. 

While eliminating suspension and expulsion is the ultimate goal, we first need to take steps to prevent staff from feeling the need to exclude, suspend or expel children. We can start by learning about implicit bias and systemic inequalities that are preventing all children from thriving. Also, supporting the mental wellbeing of all teachers and staff is essential to reducing suspension and expulsion.  

We can also work to equip educators with behavior management techniques and tools, to work with children and create safe, positive ECE environments for all. Disruptive behaviors can be redirected to more positive behaviors. Physical activity can also be used as a classroom management tool while also encouraging healthy behaviors. If children are getting restless, have them hop on one foot or toss a ball while counting or practicing the alphabet. These strategies can help manage and prevent behaviors that may lead to suspension and expulsion. 

Intervention at all levels of the ECE system is needed to create healthy environments for all children and adults.  


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