Digging Deeper - Supporting Oral Health in ECE

Poor oral health practices can cause tooth decay which can be painful, lead to infections, and make children embarrassed of their smiles. It can also cause children to lose their baby teeth early. This may lead to problems with speech, eating, and the growth of permanent teeth. 

While tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among all American children, its prevalence varies across communities. From 2011-2016, a significant proportion of young children, particularly those from communities with limited access to dental care, were more likely to have untreated cavities. 

ECE programs can help bridge these gaps by teaching children about the importance of oral health and practicing positive oral health habits. To teach children about oral health, try role modeling healthy habits like choosing water over sugary drinks or juice. You can also read tooth-themed books and talk with children about foods that support healthy teeth and gums. 

Practice positive oral health habits by brushing once a day with fluoride toothpaste, serving tooth friendly foods and beverages, and creating positive, fun toothbrushing experiences for children. Try activities like singing while you brush or practicing on stuffed animals. Good lifelong oral health habits can start today! 


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